PwC and Unipart support Responsible Business Week
Monday starts the Responsible Business Week organised by Business in the Community. During this week, which runs from 20 to 26 April 2015, best practices and expertise are showcased, giving organisations the opportunity to raise their brand and leadership to key audiences. Consulting firms PwC and Unipart Group will be present and both host events during the week.
Responsible Business Week
The Responsible Business Week is an annual awareness week, hosted by charity Business in the Community (BiTC), the Prince’s Responsible Business Network. The aim of the week is to champion the powerful role of business in creating a fairer society and more sustainable future. During the week, best practice and expertise will be showcased, allowing organisations present to elevate their brand and leadership to key audiences, including employees, customers, policy makers, and suppliers, while learning and sharing new ideas with other organisations.
From 20 to 26 April 2015, several activities and events will be organised theming around sustainable innovation, development of future leaders, attracting diverse talent to STEM careers, responsible investment, reporting frameworks, and the consumer conundrum.
Two consulting firms have committed themselves to the week and will host different events:
PwC will host the ‘Social Impact Measurement’ session on 20 April 2015 at its Centre for Social Impact in London. During this event, the firm will share its knowledge on social impact measurement (SIM) and how this can be used to accelerate positive change across the UK.
Unipart Group will host two events. The firm will host the Employee Wellbeing Expo in Oxford, during which employee wellbeing is promoted and practical steps to create a wellbeing strategy for organisations of any size are discussed. In addition, Unipart will lead the Seeing is Believing Visit in Oxford, during which Frank Nigriello, Director of Corporate Affairs at Unipart Group, will lead a visit in Oxford exploring the practical action's local businesses can take to promote Oxford as a world class destination for responsible business.