LCP boosts support for homelessness and food charities

26 March 2024

The LCP Foundation has announced it will grow its support to two charities: Trinity Winchester and The Felix Project. In the next two years, the Foundation will give both charities a total of £140,000.

Since its launch in 2019, the LCP Foundation has been supporting important causes and addressing broader societal issues. This includes providing grants and matching employee-raised funds to contribute to various initiatives. During that time, the Foundation has been impressed by the impactful work of Trinity Winchester and The Felix Project in particular.

Trinity Winchester offers shelter and support services to those affected by homelessness in Winchester, along with Women’s Services catering to individuals facing domestic abuse and social isolation. Meanwhile, The Felix Project plays a crucial role in delivering surplus food to charities and schools, ensuring they can provide healthy meals to the most vulnerable members of society.

LCP boosts support for homelessness and food charities

To help out with these two crucial goals, the LCP Foundation is increasing its support for the two community groups. Each charity will now receive a grant of £70,000, spread over the next two years.

Lia Licietis, chair of the LCP Foundation’s committee, commented, “The current economic climate has made some in our wider communities more vulnerable than ever. That is why we feel so passionate about supporting charities making a big difference and align with our values of wanting to positively contribute to the wellbeing, prosperity and health of society.”

In addition to the renewed backing of Trinity Winchester and The Felix Project, the LCP Foundation is also pledging £5,000 to two other charities. The money will go to InCommon, a charity focused on connecting young people with their older neighbours in retirement homes to learn and build friendships; and the Refugee Council, which works to empower refuges and people seeking asylum in the UK.

The LCP Foundation is the charitable wing of LCP; a firm of financial, actuarial and business consultants, specialising in the areas of pensions, investment, insurance and business analytics. The consultancy’s pensions and benefits wing works with businesses to provide actionable and bespoke advice, navigating complex regulations, and giving trustees the right tools to get the best outcome.

In the last two years, the firm has committed to a series of expansions through organic and acquisition activity. In 2023, this saw the actuarial consultancy enjoy income of more than £189 million – with plans to further enhance that in the coming year.

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