EY sponsors/contributes to FT Cyber Security Summit
Next week, on September 3, Financial Times (FT) will organise the FT Cyber Security Summit in London. During the event, attendees and speakers will discuss the latest trends in the field of cyber security, exchange ideas and develop strategies to fight cybercrime. Among the attendees are policymakers, professionals from public and private sector organisations, regulators and service providers. Speakers include, among others, experts from the UN, NATO, European Commission, Barclays, ING Bank, Vodafone and FT. Consulting firm EY is one of the sponsors of the summit and in addition two EY partners will contribute to the summit.
In the world we live in today, a world that is internet-connected, cyber security is becoming increasingly important. More and more information is uploaded and stored online, often information that is sensitive and should be kept out of the hands of the wrong people. Every day, Hackers, digital terrorists and other cyber criminals cause severe damage to individuals, businesses and governments, damage that produces significant costs. To fight this cybercrime, people from different segments, e.g. policy makers, business leaders and IT security specialists, should work together, both nationally as internationally, to develop effective measures to fight and manage these cyber threats.
FT Cyber Security Summit
To help people from these different segments understand the latest trends in cyber security and to work together on new ideas, FT organises the Cyber Security Summit on September 3, 2014, in London. This event has the goal to develop resilient and collaborative strategies in a digital world, through the exchange of ideas and discussions. The event brings together people from different backgrounds, ranging from public sector officials, business executives and cyber security experts, to talk about current and emerging cyber threats and to discuss policies and strategies to combat these threats. Speakers at the summit also come from various backgrounds, among others, from the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR), NATO, European Commission, International Cyber Security Protection Alliance, European Banking Authority (EBA), Vodafone, ING Bank and FT.
Global accounting and consulting firm EY is one of the sponsors of the event and will also provide a substantial contribution to the summit. An overview:
Mark Brown
Executive Director, Cyber Security & Resilience EY, will provide the panel framing presentation ‘Winning the support of the board and executive management’.
Steve Holt
Partner, Cyber Security Financial Services EY, will take part in the panel discussion: ‘Winning the support of the board and executive management’.