Accenture, Arup, Capco, KM&T & PwC best employers

18 March 2014

Five consulting firms  Accenture, Arup, Capco, KM&T and PwC – have been named a 'Best Company to Work For 2014' in the UK by The Sunday Times.

Every year The Sunday Times, one of the largest-selling quality Sunday newspapers in Britain, publishes a list of the best employers. This year more than 800 organisations participated in the survey. The rankings are based on employee opinions across a wide range of employee engagement and HR metrics, including ‘employee engagement’, work-life balance, job satisfaction, and leadership quality. The scores are based on the input of employees, and have been given independently.  

The Sunday Times

The newspaper publishes three lists with a focus on the private sector:
- 100 Best Small Companies to Work For (up to 250 employees)
- 100 Best Companies to Work For (250 - 4.999 employees)
- 25 Best Big Companies to Work For (more than 5.000 professionals in service)

In the 'Big Companies' category there are two representatives from the consulting industry. Listed at the fifteenth place, PwC (~16.000 employees) is quoted as being the highest, followed by Accenture on position #21. In the category medium-sized businesses also two advisory firms are listed: Capco (#40; 430 employees) and Arup (#91; 3.500 employees).

Best Company To Work For

Conclusively, KM&T, an international advisory firm* with roughly 60 consultants in the United Kingdom made the Small Companies list. The lean and change management specialist is listed as #97, and one of the newcomers in the ranking.

* KM&T has offices in the UK, Belgium, Australia, Singapore and Canada.