Strategy consulting firm Bain & Company best employer
According to the U.S. base job platform Glassdoor, Bain & Company is the best employer to work for in 2014. In the 'Best Places to Work 2014' ranking, the global strategy and management consulting firm ends higher than established names such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Apple.
Annually Glassdoor organizes the ‘Best places to work’ competition. According to the instigators, the best way to find out how attractive an employer is perceived lies in asking the people who know the organizations best – its employees. And so Glassdoor asks companies’ employees to rate their employer on more than 20 items measuring employee satisfaction, segregated in five categories. Only companies having over 50 reviews are included in the ranking.
So why does Bain & Company according to its employees has proven to be such an outstanding employer? Of the 443 reviews it received, it scores very high on four of the five dimensions: culture & values, conditions of employment, Management and Career Opportunities. The consultancy firm is famous for the learning experience it delivers its employees, the quality of leadership and the international career opportunities, such as externships (working for a certain period of time with a client outside the consulting industry) and office transfers.
Only on the 'Work-Life Balance' it scores slightly lower, although that can be attributed to the branch it operates in: strategy consultancy.
Working overtime is a very common thing in the advisory branch, yet in strategy consulting the work pressure is known to be higher. and Berenschot conducted a research among 700 consultants, last year. They found that advisors work on average approximately 9 extra hours a week – by contrast, strategy consultants exceed that with 8 – 10 hours.
Top 50
In the complete top of ‘best places to work 214’ ranking, eye-catchingly only one other advisory firm is mentioned: the American Slalom Consulting. In the year 2013, 4 consultancy firms were listed in the top 50, apart from once more Bain and Slalom, McKinsey (#2) and Boston Consulting Group (#10) were also listed. In the year 2012, Bain and Mckinsey even took the top two places, see ‘Glassdoor: Bain and McKinsey’s best employers’ for more information.
Best CEO’s
Last year Glassdoor performed a similar research under CEO's of companies. The platform asked employees to rate their CEO. In the top 50 best CEO's six companies being active in the advisory branch are listed, including Dominic Barton of McKinsey & Company (#3), Jim Turley of EY (#4) and Pierre Nanterme at Accenture (#10). Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg is the winner, listed #1.