Philippe Salle new Chief Executive Officer of Altran Group
Philippe Salle has been appointed as the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Altran. His appointment was approved on June 10, 2011 during the general assembly, and was recently ratified by the Board of Directors. Philippe Salle worked for Accenture en McKinsey & Company before working for the oil company Geoservices Group, where he was the global CEO.
Philippe Salle says: "I am honored to be Chairman and Chief Executive of Altran. This group, a leader in innovation and high technology consulting, has a lot of potential. I will focus on growth acceleration and boosting the performance. All this through cooperation with the teams that have made Altran what it is today."
About Philippe Salle
Salle began his career with Total in Indonesia, and then worked at Accenture. In the period 1995-1999 he was project director at McKinsey & Company. He then went to work at Vedior (now Randstad, listed on the Amsterdam stock exchange). In 2002, he became chairman and managing director of Vedior France and four years later president of the Southern European division of ​​the company (France, Spain, Italy and Switzerland). He held this position until 2007, when he joined Geoservices Group, a technology company in the oil sector with 7,000 employees operating in 52 countries. First as Managing Director then as Chairman and Chief Executive up to March 2011.
Philippe Salle is a graduate of the Ecole des Mines de Paris, and has an MBA degree from the Kellogg Graduate School of Management, North-western University (Chicago, USA).