5 questions leaders should ask before delivering change

08 January 2021 Consultancy.uk

Delivering change is a complicated process that has several sides to it, with the human capital side one of the key ingredients for success. Marieta Bencheva, the co-founder of consultants network Consulthon, provides a checklist for how change leaders can make sure that the right steps are taken. 

Ask the right questions

Start with what and then consider the why, when, and who:

  • What should be changed? – a very important question to put your finger on the problem and how it will be solved.
  • Why should it be changed? – you will optimise the processes, for example.
  • When should we change? – immediately or in the long run. It depends on your goals.
  • Who should drive the change? – which leaders and experts are responsible for the delivery

5 questions to ask before delivering change

Choose the correct team

Here, here you have two possibilities. The team can be external, i.e. to hire somebody to implement your ideas/goals or internal – to assemble a team from your own organisation/company.

The correct people should have the following qualities:

  • Managerial power – they should know what decisions to take and how to take them.
  • Experts (subject matter experts) – these are the people who know the organisation best and should be dedicated to the project entirely.
  • Communication – to have the right resources in order to correctly communicate the need for change and the steps towards achieving it.

Choose the correct framework for change

Establishing a framework for driving change and implementing it is an important step since it will create the administrative support you need. This framework should include the following:

  • Establish the technical aspects of the change.
  • Plan the communication process towards your employees. There are usually three types of employees – adept to change, followers and traditionalists.
  • Define the scope of the change and the budget for it.
  • Define the time framework.
  • Establish ways for supervision, monitoring and reporting.

Prepare your vision for the future

This means what the future company will look like. The vision should be clear and concise, to be directly connected to the goals of your company. This is your overall strategy for the company’s future. The vision should have the following qualities:

  • Desirability – it should reflect not only the company’s goals, but those of your employees.
  • Reflecting reality – the vision should list goals that are clearly achievable.
  • Flexibility – give enough time frame and space for the employees to get used to the change. The vision should also list alternatives and initiatives that can help this change.
  • Simplicity – the vision should be simple enough to be understood by everybody.

The correct communication

Communication is key to the success of driving change. The more people understand and accept the change, the more successful this change. Some of the things a change leader should do is:

  • Talk directly to people, face to face. Don’t send reports or emails.
  • Hold regular meetings and announce the progress.
  • Ask for opinion/feedback.
  • Take these into consideration when deciding on the next step.
  • Discuss the results/show the benefits.
  • Communicate – clearly, to the point and every step of the way.