Travel firm hosts consultancy marathon to raise money for charity

19 March 2019

A communications consultancy has announced it will perform a ‘consulting marathon’ to raise money for a charity based in Africa. SEO Travel will offer a 12-hour consulting surgery to as many small travel businesses as possible, while raising money for the cause.

SEO Travel has been helping travel companies improve their online presence since 2011. The firm works with a wide range of global travel brands who it helps develop brand visibility online through SEO, social media, PR and other techniques. Based in Ilkley, West Yorkshire, the firm works to create engaging campaigns that increase brand awareness and drive more business and sales in a sustainable way.

The professional services firm has announced that as of the 21st of March, it will be offering these services to small travel businesses as part of a charity fundraising drive. The session will last 12 hours straight, and offers the chance for a 30-minute session, which travel companies can sign up for at the SEO Travel website. The marathon session will help small travel businesses which wouldn’t usually be able to afford a respectable and trustworthy agency’s advice.

Travel firm hosts consultancy marathon to raise money for charity

As well as helping small businesses, the event is also being used as an opportunity to raise money for charity, with SEO Travel donating to Tanzanian safari charity ‘Care with a View’ for each person that signs up, as well as asking businesses taking part to make a small donation of £10 themselves. The event will run from 8am to 8pm UK and is open to anyone around the world.

It will run by SEO Travel founder Tom McLoughlin, bringing more than 10 years of experience to the table. He explained, “I’ve got the team here on standby to order pizzas and bring me Tangfastics on demand throughout the day!”

According to Mcloughlin, while there is a lot of marketing advice on the internet, the volume of information is so high that it's impossible for small firms to tell what will help and what will hurt their company. He concluded, “With the ‘Charity Travel Marketingathon Bonanza’ we want to take away the part of not knowing so these businesses can go away with clear, actionable tactics that will help grow their business.”

Related: Charity football cup sees Hays consultants raise £3,000 for Action for Children.