Leveraging strategy consulting skills for more effective problem solving
The Rotterdam School of Management has extended its course to tutor strategy consulting skills. The course will run twice in 2018, with applications for the first intake of students still open for 25 - 26 June 2018.
In 2016, the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) launched a series of courses aimed at strengthening the skill sets of professionals in consultancy, corporate development and policy making. Individuals eager to gain insight into the application of the latest strategy models, frameworks and tools, attended a course at RSM, which developed a new two-day training session, ‘The Strategy Consultants’ Approach to Problem Solving’.
Following two successful years, the course is now returning for a 2018 run. On two stints between 25 - 26 June and 5 - 6 November 2018, applications are open for managers keen to learn how to work and think like strategy consultants. Strategy consultants are known for their ability to conduct strategic analyses, think holistically and ultimately drive change, so the sessions are designed for managers responsible for policy making, strategic planning and corporate development staff, in-house and external consultants, to benefit from strategy consulting skills, as they are faced with disruptive change in in their industry.
The programme is led by Marc Baaij and James Parker, both of whom have headed the course since its inception. Baaij is an Associate Professor of Strategic Management, having been a strategy consultant and research manager of the Dutch office of The Boston Consulting Group – one of the MBB ‘Big Three’ of strategy consulting – as well as having worked for IBM in the Netherlands. Parker, meanwhile, is still a Partner at Parma Consulting Group, and has more than 20 years of experience in consulting and managing professional organisations, during which time he worked for fellow MBB giant McKinsey & Company in North America, UK and the Netherlands.
The programme aims to boost managers’ confidence in their ‘toolbox’ of available solutions, and offers an environment for participants to practice using their newly gained skills via case discussions, small group exercises, and presentations. Since its launch, the programme has been attended by a top figures from companies across Europe.
Yolanda Barreros Gutiérrez, a Partner with B&C Consulting, Barcelona, said of her experience, “I was very pleased with the Strategy Consultants' Approach to Problem Solving programme at RSM. It is an excellent investment for anyone involved in the strategic decision-making process — in their own company or as a consultant charged with supporting organisations facing strategic challenges.“
According to Marcel van Wees, CFO Wholesale, Rural&Retail, Rabobank International, the direct approach of the course is also a major asset. Wees added, "The frameworks provided in this course are very helpful to add to my toolbox as controller and advisor. The hands-on focus with many cases in interaction with international participants with different backgrounds really helps to absorb the theory.”
Yves Plees, meanwhile praised the practicality of the programme. The Director of Customised Payroll Solutions at Acerta said, “This is a very pragmatic course. Especially working on personal cases with the support of RSM faculty members was useful.”