Consortium supports Indonesia with health care

06 March 2015

As part of the Indonesian government’s goal to provide all Indonesians with primary health care by 2019, under the right to Universal Health Coverage, a Dutch consortium has been charged with the execution of a feasibility study in the Yogyakarta region. The results of the study will be used for a pilot project aimed at improving basic care locally. 

Universal Health Coverage
In 2013, the Indonesian government enacted the implementation of Universal Health Coverage (UHC) by law to ensure that everyone in Indonesia has access to health care services. The government set the goal to have the entire country covered by 2019. Under this law, the Indonesian government will cover all health costs for those unable to pay for a minimal level of care themselves, with the estimation that more than 86 million of the total 251 million people will be eligible for assistance.

Indonesian right to Universal Health Coverage

To ensure the right to Universal Health Coverage, an adequate health system is required involving equitable and appropriate funding and payment mechanisms, appropriate levels of skilled personnel and sound policy and decision making at all levels.

As part of the part new health care initiative, a Dutch consortium, consisting of Royal HaskoningDHV, Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), Berenschot, Maastricht University, Simed International and BMA, is set to carry out a feasibility study on how to strengthen Primary Health Care in Kulon Progo, district of Yogyakarta, Indonesia, inhabiting 500,000 people.

The study’s main goal is to identify all health care solution components that could enhance access to basic care in the underdeveloped district and hence contribute to the UHC. The results of the study will be used to develop and implement a pilot project to strengthen local care, which, if proved successful, will act as an example approach for other regions in Indonesia.

Consortium supports Indonesia with health care

The Dutch consortium will work closely with the regional Health Office, the Ministry of Health, and KP-MAK (the Indonesian Centre for Health Financing Policy and Health Insurance Management), and is financially supported by the Netherlands Embassy in Jakarta.