Mobiquity Consulting

Mobiquity Consulting

Mobiquity Consulting is a business technology department of Mobiquity specialised in Next Gen Infrastructure, Data-Driven Solutions and User Mobility. Our consultants are responsive and pragmatic project & program managers, data scientists and architects with high energy focussed on collaboration.

Our project managers and consultants deliver technology and project leadership within the finance, telecom, media, manufacturing and services industry. We provide technology and process experts together with project and program leadership to help our clients with digital transformation. Our practices focus on Next Generation Infrastructure, Data-Driven Solutions and User Mobility.

Next-Gen Infrastructure - Delivering value to business & IT peers
The Next-Generation IT infrastructure (NGI) promises a great deal. It can reduce costs, shorten time-to-market and improve effectiveness. Nevertheless, successful transformation to NGI requires overcoming significant challenges, from economics to migration to security.

Data Driven Solutions - Creating value for decision making
The scale and scope of changes that comes with big data, the impact of data driven solution is to expend greatly as new technologies accelerate and converge. Successful predictive analytics requires an unusual combination of skills and experience that is hard to assemble.

User Mobility - Delivering mobility to your business users
In today’s world of consumerisation, flexibility, creativity and simplicity are critical factors for success. The technology used at work and home simplifies an 'always-on' world and results in ever-rising expectations to perform.

Be nice and work hard!

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