Ecorys evaluates the developmental aid of Norway
Ecorys has been awarded a contract by NORAD, the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation, to evaluate the country’s development cooperation with Afghanistan over the past ten years. This represents the first time that Ecorys will cooperate with this organisation.
Norway has provided substantial development assistance to Afghanistan since 2001: more than €600 million. Norwegian assistance was mainly focused on three sectors - education, community development and good governance - and used a variety of delivery mechanisms, of which the Afghan Reconstruction Trust Fund, UN agencies and Norwegian NGOs were the most important.
The backbone of this evaluation will be the choice of programmes and channels, as well as the degree of freedom that Norway had in these choices, and how these impacted the improvement of the delivery of public services and the welfare of the targeted groups. Cross-cutting themes for the evaluation include enhanced governance and gender equality.
The evaluation study will be conducted between September 2011 and February 2012 and will include field visits to Oslo and Kabul to consult with important stakeholders.