Cambridge MC wins telecom project for Turks and Caicos Islands

31 May 2023

As the Turks and Caicos Islands look to support easier communication between families and businesses with the outside world, the government has announced a submarine fibre telecommunications project to connect the archipelago. The move, which will also help the government digitalise it operations and provide eGovernment services to all its citizens, will be overseen by UK advisory firm, Cambridge Management Consulting.

A remaining British overseas territory, Turks and Caicos Islands (TCI) is an archipelago of 40 low-lying coral islands in the Atlantic Ocean, to the southeast of the Bahamas. The most prominent of island of the group is Providenciales, known as Provo – which provides a gateway to tourists from many cities in the US andCanada, as well as London and many countries in the Caribbean.

As the world-famous beauty of TCI’s beaches continues to draw people to its islands, the government of the territory is looking at how it can use digital services to build a more sustainable social legacy on that. At present, family islands are connected to Providenciales, and then to the public internet, via the ARCOS-1 cable system—which connects to both the Dominican Republic and the Bahamas in a ring structure. This means that connectivity remains unreliable across TCI – something which inconveniences local businesses and public services.

Cambridge MC wins telecom project for Turks and Caicos Islands

To change this, the government will instal a new domestic submarine cable, enabling for high-speed internet connections which can bolster economic growth and quality of life across TCI. The government has ambitious plans to digitalise operations and provide eGovernment services to all its citizens. At the same time, local businesses and hotels will be better able to meet the growing needs of users. To achieve any of this, however, the government will need external expertise to execute that project.

To that end, it has tapped UK professional services firm Cambridge Management Consulting (CambridgeMC) for help. Cambridge MC is an international consultancy which helps companies of all sizes have a better impact on the world. It hosts consultants around the world, working on projects in 20 countries, with capabilities focussing on supporting the private and public sector with their people, process and digital technology challenges.

Tim Passingham, Founder and Chairman of Cambridge MC, said, “The team is incredibly excited and proud to be a part of this cable project to benefit the beautiful and pristine islands of Turks and Caicos. This projectis a great example of why we founded Cambridge MC: for the purpose of helping our clients have a better impact on the world – in this case helping deliver a project that will have significant social and economic benefits for the Turks and Caicos Islands and their people.”

The Turks and Caicos Island Government, through the TCI Telecommunications Commission (TCITC), published an open tender for ‘Consultancy Service for the Turks and Caicos Island Domestic Submarine Strategic Outline Business Case’. Cambridge MC was successful in its bid for the tender, together with industry experts from Julian Rawle Consulting, Pelagian, Baker Botts and local TCI company, ATECC.

The consortium will now work to realise the submarine project, and realise a number of major social benefits for TCI residents in the process. During hurricane season, for example, when staying in touch with relatives is paramount, the system will help people stay in touch with loved ones, in a way which is not possible with the current microwave link network – which is prone to outages and has limited capacity. Meanwhile, hospitals, ports, and emergency services will also benefit greatly from new digital services, especially as 20% of patients already use remote doctor appointments in TCI.

TCITC Chairman, Clayton Been, stated, “The establishment of the domestic submarine cable ring connecting all inhabited islands with redundancy had been an objective of the Commission since 2016, but due to unforeseen events this is only now becoming a reality. The Commission is pleased to have contracted the services of Cambridge Management Consulting to develop the business case to quantify the need andsolution for TCI to be the pearl of the Caribbean, if not the world, for internet broadband solutions.”

The project win comes at a time of continued growth for Cambridge MC. 2021 saw the acquisition of Straxiaand the launch of Cambridge MC’s sister sustainability consulting firm, edenseven. Last year, meanwhile, Cambridge MC expanded into the US – and expanded to a client base of more than 88 clients. In 2023, the company has grown further to over 150 consultants.

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