Training staff on new technology is key for successful adoption
As businesses adapt in the ever-changing world, they are having to implement new technologies. But when rolling out new technology, it is imperative for management to realise what is required for staff to use the technology effectively, writes Tarek Meliti, the founder of managed services provider TDM Group.
Businesses of all sizes are now operating in a period when possessing a strong digital presence is essential to achieve success. When deploying new technology, leaders may have insight into what is required from a technological and business point of view; however, they need to ensure that these changes are embraced by their workforce ensuring success from the outset.
What are the benefits of providing the necessary training for employees? To truly understand the value that training adds to a business, it can help to look at the following factors and how they can impact operations.
1. Productivity
Providing employees with the necessary skills to perform their tasks effectively using technology will reduce the time, money and resources needed to rectify mistakes. When employees are knowledgeable about the applications they use, they can work more effectively and finish projects faster. Employees that are properly trained around the technologies they use daily spend less time troubleshooting and more time on productive, revenue-driving tasks.
2. Customer retention
Customer loyalty has a huge impact on a business’s chances of success. Training and upskilling employees from a technology perspective will help them harness the power of innovation to drive your business forward – and subsequently improve the customer experience.
3. Makes the adoption of new IT systems and technologies easier
Ongoing and effective technology training will foster a workforce that is engaged with and willing to embrace innovation, facilitating a seamless transition to new tools and systems.
4. Instils a competitive edge
Businesses that understand how to use their solutions effectively are likely to outperform those that struggle to grasp the basics – enabling them to gain a competitive advantage.
Maximising technologies in the workforce
Technology is about innovation and being able to provide superior products, services, and solutions at a competitive price. Technology is not only essential for day-to-day business practices; it can also help businesses to change the way in which they operate and grow. Profitable businesses don’t perceive technology exclusively as a means to automate processes; they recognise its value and potential holistically. Therefore, forward-thinking senior decisionmakers understand the importance of training employees’ to leverage new technology.
Implementing a comprehensive training programme will allow staff to utilise technologies to their maximum potential, reducing the time it takes to search for information and correct errors. The cost of correcting mistakes is also reduced when employees have the tools and capacity to perform the task correctly the first time.
The importance of partnering with an M-BiTs provider
A Managed Business IT Services (M-BiTS) provider acknowledges there is more to IT and digital transformation than solely implementing new technologies and upgrading software. They recognise the need to collaborate with businesses to deliver training throughout the organisation to relevant stakeholders, ensuring they possess the necessary knowledge of the IT solutions they use daily.
Collaborating with an M-BiTS provider allows businesses to acquire a clear and comprehensive strategy that delivers relevant IT services. With the core function of the IT offering in safe hands, an M-BiTS provider can also focus on the building blocks within a business that need balancing to manage IT operations effectively and deliver innovative change.
This enables the weaknesses and liabilities within an organisation to be easily identified, not just in terms of technology, but the training needed to educate and upskill employees when working with new systems, processes, and technologies.
Effective training processes must be analysed and implemented from the outset, with comprehensive involvement and commitment from people at all levels within the company. Measurements must be put in place to capture and analyse data at key points to ensure that the potential of training programmes are being fully realised. Delivering first-class training to your workforce will have an extremely positive long-term impact on your organisation's performance and growth.