Ayming Institute launches book on green industrial revolution

23 April 2020 Consultancy.uk

Industrial-scale business research and innovation will be required to turn the tide of global environmental damage. As R&D departments work to improve green energy production, The Ayming Institute has published a new book championing innovation investment to help out.

The ‘green industrial revolution’ is a blanket term generally applying to the adaptation of modern industry to reduce its negative impact on the world’s climate. Driven by a variety of global environmental concerns, in some regions this is spurred by the scarcity of cheap affordable renewable energy. In others, it is driven by a need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from power generation. Across the board, however, the new industrial revolution will rely on green “disruptive” technologies in energy production.

This makes research and development in the area of green energy production crucial moving forward; something which has inspired the launch of a new book from The Ayming Institute. The think tank from business consultancy Ayming has published ‘Profit & Planet’, which outlines the crucial role that innovation and technology will play in discovering solutions to make us more sustainable.

Ayming Institute launches book on green industrial revolution

Written by Ayming France Partner Fabien Mathieu and Schneider Electric Chief Sustainability Officer Gilles Vermont Deroches, the book explains that while there are already numerous promising environmental R&D projects, further investment is still required. This represents both a challenge and a major opportunity, however. Countries and companies who create green innovations will be the best-placed to lead the resulting green revolution, as climate change will mean sustainable development is the only financially viable solution in the long term.

Mathieu commented, “For more than a decade, scientists have been urging states to carry out a major transformation to avoid a major climate disaster. Evidence of large-scale environmental disruption is striking - from gas masks for schoolchildren in Delhi to fires in Australia – and yet the government seems powerless. Therefore, despite being presented as the embodiment of the problem, industry is our only hope. In Profit & Planet, we argue that the only realistic way to address environmental challenges is to promote business innovation and entrepreneurism. The challenges laid out in this book concern us all.”

Ayming is an international business performance consultancy and has a global footprint. In the UK, the firm helps businesses to improve their financial and operational performance through innovation, tax and procurement, supply chain, working capital and operational efficiency services. The R&D team has claimed more than €200 million of R&D tax benefits for its UK clients and, as a group, analyses over 15,000 R&D and innovation projects each year.

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