Daniel Sumner and Anindya Ghose join Cornerstone

05 August 2015 Consultancy.uk

Global research and consulting firm Cornerstone Research has boosted its affiliate network in the US with two leading experts: Professor Daniel Sumner and Professor Anindya Ghose. Sumner will add experience in agricultural economics and policy, while Anindya is regarded a global thought leader in the area of big data and analytics.

Daniel Sumner is a Professor at the University of California, the Frank H. Buck Jr. Distinguished Professor of Agricultural and Resource Economics, and director of the University of California Agricultural Issues Centre. In the latter role Sumner oversees and conducts a university outreach programme related to public issues concerning agriculture. Prior to his current positions, he was the assistant secretary for economics at the US Department of Agriculture, where he was involved in policy formulation and analysis on topics ranging from food and farm programmes to trade, resources, and rural development. Summer has also served as a senior economist for the President’s Council of Economic Advisers.

Summer has in recent years testified in numerous matters involving agricultural products, including cases related to antitrust, false advertising, class certification, and cross-border trade. He has experience as an expert witness in depositions and trials in state and federal courts in the US, with regulatory agencies, and before the US International Trade Commission, the Canadian International Trade Tribunal, and dispute settlement panels and the Appellate Body of the World Trade Organisation.

Cornerstone Research

Professor Sumner is the author of more than 100 academic articles. He has co-authored and contributed to a number of books and has also written widely for industry outlets. He has been named a distinguished fellow by the American Agricultural Economics Association (AAEA) for career achievement, and honoured by the AAEA for his agricultural policy contributions, quality of research contribution, and best journal articles.

“Daniel Sumner is an expert in international agricultural economics and policy,” says Cornerstone Research CEO Michael Burton. “His deep experience in the field makes him eminently qualified to offer authoritative analyses in matters related to cross-border trade in commodities.”

Anindya Ghose is a Professor of the Stern School of Business at New York University and also also codirects the NYU Centre for Business Analytics, which conducts research on data-driven decision making. In his research, Ghose examines the economics of search engine advertising, quantifies the economic value of user-generated content on social media, and models consumer behaviour in mobile marketing. The domains he analyses include product reviews, reputation and rating systems, wearable technologies, mobile commerce and mobile advertising, crowdsourcing, and online markets.

Daniel Sumnel, Anindya Ghose and Michael Burton

He has been retained as an expert witness in major cases involving companies in high technology and social media. Ghose, who has written more than 100 papers for premier scientific journals and peer-reviewed conferences, has also consulted for leading Internet, technology, and media firms, such as Facebook, CBS, NBC, IBM, and Samsung, as well as collaborated with Alibaba, China Mobile, Google, Indiegogo, Microsoft, and Travelocity.

Recently Businessweek named Ghose as one of the Top 40 Professors under 40 Worldwide and AnalyticsWeek recognised him as one of the Top 200 Thought Leaders in Big Data and Business Analytics.

“Litigation requiring the analysis of big data is rapidly expanding, and Anindya is a leading expert in large, complex datasets related to marketing on the Internet and social media,” explains Burton. “His addition to our firm’s network of experts strengthens our data analytics capabilities in this growing sector.”

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