UK-based Marketscience merges with Truesight Consulting

27 November 2019

Following years of close collaboration, UK-based consultancy Marketscience has merged with US firm Truesight Consulting. The single entity will operate under the Marketscience brand, holding offices across Europe, Asia and North America.

Truesight Consulting is an international consulting firm, which specialises in advanced analytics with an emphasis on innovation. The firm was established in New York in 2017 by David Dixon and Sebastian Shapiro, and now has offices in with offices across the US, in the UK and – following a recent roll-out in Asia – India.

Following a period of sustained collaboration, UK-origin consultancy Marketscience has opted to solidify its links with Truesight, by way of a merger. Marketscience has worked with Truesight for some time now, forging links so strong that earlier in the year, Nitesh Sahay, Managing Director at Truesight, relocated to the UK to support Marketscience Founder Peter Cain with expanding the firm’s footprint in Europe.

UK-based Marketscience merges with Truesight Consulting

For the last year, Marketscience and Truesight have been in an exclusive agreement, which has seen them collaborate for the sake of clients; unifying data, modeling, and technology in the process to improve results. The merger is also built upon a shared recognition of the needs of analytically driven companies and the emergence of clients looking to implement marketing analytics on a Do It Yourself (DIY), Do It For Me (DIFM) or Do It With Me (DIWM) basis.

Peter Cain, founder and Executive Partner at Marketscience, said of the merger, "Bringing an economic rigor behind commercial decisions to a wider client audience is the real excitement here. Enabling the industry to have greater clarity and science is something we've felt necessary in these days of increasing analytics adoption."

Truesight differentiates itself by forming strategic relationships with world-renowned think-tanks and academic institutions around the globe, including the faculty at Stanford University, Bentley University, and VU University in Amsterdam, with plans to form more in the near future. This may have further attracted Marketscience, as with employment currently sitting at a record high in a number of leading markets across the world, maintaining a solid relationship with universities has become important. It can offer access to academically rigourous analytics, but also a foothold in graduate recruitment, amid a war for talent in consulting.

The merger also allows Marketscience to further develop its proprietary framework, Marketscience Studio, a software platform that increases both the scope of data and level of accuracy in model development, enabling users to make more strategic marketing and investment decisions. The academic and professional backing of the Marketscience Studio solution is unrivaled in the marketplace. The additional on-site training provided by the consulting team at Marketscience is hoped to give clients a unique level of ownership and control over their analysis.