Mace launches its Women of the Future programme

17 June 2015

Consulting firm Mace has launched its Women of the Future programme, aimed at developing top female talent across its business in the UK. The programme aims at attracting and retaining more women to reach its 2020 growth plan. To boost its programme, the firm has signed partnerships with WISE and everywomanNetwork.

Women of the Future programme
The women of the Future programme has been launched by construction and consulting firm Mace to respond to the firm’s need to attract and retain more women in order to achieve its ambitious plan to grow the company to £2 billion turnover by 2020. The programme forms part of the Mace’s wider executive development series, which includes a partnership with Imperial College London.

To ensure the best resources and support for programme participants, Mace recently signed up as a corporate member of WISE (Women in Science and Engineering), offering the firm training and speaking opportunities, and partnered with virtual network and online self-development platform everywomanNetwork, providing the women with development resources and advice. Participants of the Women of the Future programme will also be guided by coaches and mentors.

Mace launches Women of the Future programme

Commenting on the programme, Mark Reynolds, Chief Executive of Mace, says: “Over the past two years we have significant progressed improving the benefits we offer our staff and increasing our gender diversity mix. This programme is a key milestone for Mace as we embark on our next stage of development where both women and men can thrive."

The programme will first be launched in the UK, with intentions to expand the programme across the firm’s global hubs by the end of 2015.

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