Accenture helps US Army with ERP advisory and support

17 September 2014

Consulting firm Accenture has been awarded two contracts by the US Army with a combined value of $53.1 million to provide maintenance and operations support for its 'General Fund Enterprise Business System'. The enterprise resource planning (ERP) system was previosuly also developed by Accenture.

US Army’s General Fund Enterprise Business System

The General Fund Enterprise Business System (GFEBS) of the US Army is a one of the largest ERP systems around, and is the first Army-wide ERP system that ensures the Army’s compliance with the Federal Financial Management Improvement Act. The GFEBS was delivered by consulting firm Accenture in 2012, and has transformed the more than 100 legacy financial management and real property systems into a single core system of record for the Army, and hence helped improve the Army’s financial accountability and auditability.

US Army General Fund Enterprise Business System

The system helps the Army with the standardisation and streamlining of its financial business processes, by providing continuous access to accurate, reliable and timely financial information. This in return enables the Army’s management to make more informed decisions to reduce costs and improve efficiency. Currently, the GFEBS monitors and manages more than $220 billion in transactions, and serves more than 52,000 users at 227 locations around the globe.

Accenture Federal Services

The US Army has again requested the assistance of Accenture, and has awarded Accenture Federal Services* two contracts with a combined value of $53.1 million. Under the first contract, valued at $42 million, Accenture will provide maintenance and daily operations support for the GFEBS, across several functions, including project management, help desk and application development. As part of the second contract, with a value of $11.1 million, Accenture will provide on-site technical and training support for the ERP system at Army bases and installations.

Joe Chenelle - Accenture

“Declining budgets are creating challenges and opportunities in the defense community. GFEBS is providing decision makers with better ways to manage the enterprise, helping the Army save money and increase efficiency with streamlined financial business processes,” says Joe Chenelle, Senior Managing Director at Accenture with the US Defense Portfolio.

* Accenture Federal Services is a branch firm of Accenture, located in Arlington, Va. – the US, that serves clients at defence, intelligence, public safety, civilian and military health organisations.

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