Three experts join Thomson Environmental Consultants

01 March 2024

UK environmental consultancy Thomson Environmental Consultants has welcomed a trio of new experts. The arrivals of Arthur Cullen, Tim Ranger and Tom Willets enhance the firm’s collective skills and knowledge in arboriculture.

"We are thrilled to welcome Arthur, Tim and Tom to our growing arboriculture team," said Lucy Hunt, chief operating officer at Thomson Environmental Consultants. "Their wealth of knowledge and passion for environmental conservation will undoubtedly strengthen our ability to provide innovative solutions for our clients. We look forward to their positive impact as we continue to expand our arboriculture services."

Arboriculture is the cultivation, management, and study of individual trees, shrubs, vines, and other perennial woody plants. An arboricultural typically gains recognised qualifications and expertise in the care and management of trees – particularly trees in landscape and amenity features, in gardens and parks or other populated settings where they are for the enjoyment and benefit of the public.

Three experts join Thomson Environmental Consultants

Founded in 2004, Thomson Environmental Consultants is an independent environmental consultancy which supports businesses with complying with environmental legislation. The firm boasts in-house expertise in terrestrial ecology, marine services, freshwater ecology and management, habitat creation and management, geospatial data management and mapping services, among others.

Arthur Cullen joins the team as a senior arboricultural consultant, bringing 30 years of varied arboricultural experience. For the last 20 years, Arthur has worked for a local authority as a tree officer, managing a team of 11 covering all aspects of arboriculture, grounds maintenance, parks and open spaces.

Tim Ranger specialises in supporting clients with tree surveys and reports required for planning applications. His most recent project involved the installation of a new reservoir near vulnerable oak trees, showcasing his balance between development and environmental preservation. He joins as an arboricultural consultant.

Tom Willetts meanwhile arrives as an arboricultural surveyor, and will play a crucial role in conducting tree surveys for various entities. Willets’ diverse experience ranges from surveying veteran trees across four counties for a large-scale rail scheme to assisting in the survey of 40,000 trees in Greater London.