Emergn and Strategyzer announce global innovation alliance

02 October 2023 Consultancy.uk

Two founder-led consultancies have launched a new partnership, with the aim of supercharging their clients’ innovation efforts. By combining forces, Strategyzer and Emergn will look to challenge established consulting firms, and help companies meet the urgent need for new ideas and products across big themes such as energy transition, industry 4.0 and autonomous vehicles.

Almost 80% of businesses spend a fifth of their innovation budget on sustainability issues alone. However, governments are failing to incentivise this further, with minimal efforts to subsidise research and development making it harder for firms to prioritise long-term investment.

That means businesses need help finding funding, making work processes efficient, and ensuring no energy is wasted on any project. Consulting firms offering services to that end are struggling to support them, though, at least according to a new release from Emergn and Strategyzer.

Emergn and Strategyzer announce global innovation alliance

A survey across the UK and US by the firms suggests that 83% of companies believe their businesses can be truly innovative – with 70% expecting radical change to succeed in their organisations if it was implemented better. But with an apparent lack of support, the majority of companies also said they weren’t making radical change happen fast enough to accelerate the commercial results they need.

By collaborating, digital business services firm Emergn and business strategy consultancy Strategyzer hope that they can cover both demands for inventing new infrastructure, and managing present modes of working – linking innovation and transformation for their clients. This holistic service will help business leaders design, foster, and implement their innovative ideas.

Commenting on the alliance, Alex Adamopoulos, CEO of Emergn, said, “This alliance combines expertise in innovation, transformation, and digital service delivery in a one-of-a-kind combination. I’m incredibly excited to join forces with Alex Osterwalder and his team, who I respect immensely. Together, we’ll allow companies to bridge this commercial gap between innovation and transformation and deliver real change, fast.”

Alex Adamopoulos, CEO of Emergn, has spent 30 years over the course of his career ensuring the world’s largest organisations accelerate the rate at which they improve and deliver their products and services. Strategyzer CEO Alex Osterwalder is meanwhile known as an innovation thought leader through his work as an author, entrepreneur, and inventor of the Business Model Canvas and Value Proposition Canvas. Together, the firms comprise over 650 colleagues working in more than 20 countries worldwide – empowering more than 7 million client employees with their tools and content.

Alex Osterwalder, CEO of Strategyzer, added, “We’ve learned a lot from working with leading companies around the world. There’s a disconnect between technology, innovation, product management, and transformation. Together, Strategyzer and Emergn have a unique ability to help businesses reinvent themselves. We have the experience to make innovation and transformation part of their DNA. We share the same vision to improve the way people and companies work. The need is clear when I observe mission-critical innovation and digital transformation programs stalling in many organisations. We can’t wait to get started.”