10 powerful women in professional services: Wealth industry

04 February 2021 Consultancy.uk

City Wealth has unveiled the 2021 edition of its annual ‘Powerwomen’ list – a list of female leaders in the UK’s asset and wealth management sector. Meet the industry’s champions from the professional services sector. 

Designed to advance gender parity awareness in the traditionally male-dominated asset and wealth management sector, the annual Powerwomen Awards recognises female individuals that have demonstrated excellence in their field or within their firm or the wider industry. For some, excellence means delivering outstanding results at private wealth clients, while for others, excellence can be rewarded for serving as a role model to both women and men.

Alongside celebrating the achievements of women in leadership positions, the awards programme – now in its ninth year – also places the spotlights on the female leaders of tomorrow.

10 powerful women in professional services: Wealth industry

Wealth management Powerwomen active the professional services industry are:

Rachel de Souza, RSM
Rebecca Durrant, Crowe
Shelley Doorey-Williams, Sionic
Clare Stirzaker, PwC
Jurga McCluskey, Deloitte
Alex Foster, RSM
Jackie Hess, Deloitte
Susan Swartz, Andersen
Alice Kilingbeck, KPMG (Rising Star)
Catherine Grum, BDO (Mentor of the Year)

According to a study by Boston Consulting Group, the world’s wealth is highly concentrated in the hands of a relatively small number of corporates, the world's largest pension and sovereign wealth funds, and super-wealthy individuals. In terms of personal wealth, nearly half of all all wealth is held by those that classify as millionaires.