Shell hires Mott MacDonald for Peterhead CCS project

13 May 2015

Mott MacDonald has been appointed to provide project management organisation services for the Peterhead CCS project by Shell UK. The consultancy will be involved in the front end engineering design phase of the project as well as providing support across the entire end-to-end CCS chain. The consultancy’s commission is due to completed in 2015.

Peterhead CCS project
The Peterhead power station, located on the North-East coast of Scotland, is set to be the world’s first gas-fired power station at which full-scale commercial carbon capture and storage technology (CCS) is deployed. The CCS technology will be implemented by Royal Dutch Shell, in strategic partnership with the power station owner Scottish and Southern.

Safely Storing Co2

The CCS will be fitted at the station to capture the flue gas which will be for 90% diverted to an absorber where the CO2 is captured. The CO2 is then treated, dried and compressed at the power station site and piped for long-term storage at Shell’s depleted Goldeneye gas reservoir located 2.5km under the seabed, there it will be fed into the high-quality porous rock underlying a layer of impermeable rock, which is considered safe for CO2 storage.

Peterhead CCS is one of two projects being funded under the UK Government's £1 billion CCS commercialisation competition programme initiated by the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) in April 2012, with the other project being the White Rose CCS. Both projects are part of the government’s commitment to decarbonise power generation by 2050.

Shell hires Mott MacDonald for Peterhead CCS project

Shell UK has appointed consulting firm Mott MacDonald to provide project management organisation services for the Peterhead CCS project, with the firm involved during the front end engineering design (FEED) phase of the project. The contract involves a core team of 5 Mott MacDonald employees, as well as support from up to 30 staff during peak periods, to deliver engineering expertise for the wider scope of the project, as well as technical interface and project management support across the entire end-to-end CCS chain.

Commenting on the appointment, David Brown, Project Director of Mott MacDonald, says: “We are delighted to be working on this world-leading project, which builds on our relationship and knowledge from previously working with Shell on the Longannet CCS project. This appointment helps reinforce Mott MacDonald’s dominant position in this emerging energy sector.”

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