A.T. Kearney's London office tackles Welsh 3000s for charity

10 October 2018 Consultancy.uk

Professionals from consultancy A.T. Kearney have conquered the summits of 15 mountains across the UK in the name of charity. A.T. Kearney’s London office tackled the 26-mile Welsh 3000s excursion, raising tens of thousands of pounds for IntoUniversity.

Last year A.T. Kearney’s London office tackled the National Three Peaks Challenge, a popular mountaineering trek that involves climbing the highest peak in Scotland, England, and Wales. In a bid to go one better in 2018, the London office aimed even higher this year, tackling the Welsh 3000s. The marathon 26-mile trek traverses all 15 peaks in Wales higher than 3,000 feet.

Organised by Alexis Garavel, Archit Batra, George Riley, and Amy Reynolds, the consultants completed the task on behalf of IntoUniversity. The British organisation provides local learning centres that seek to guide young people from disadvantaged backgrounds into college.

According to the organisers, they selected this charity as a beneficiary because, as consultants, they wanted to get involved with helping those who might be coming from difficult backgrounds to receive a college education. By the end of the exhausting but exhilarating hike, the office had raised more than £24,000 for IntoUniversity.

A.T. Kearney's London office tackles Welsh 3000s for charity

Originally from the south of France, Alexis Garavel remains a keen outdoors enthusiast. However, the event’s co-organiser still said that it was no mean feat to accomplish the marathon trudge, thanks in part to the nature of being consultants. “Training-wise, due to our busy schedules, we all had to train individually and in smaller groups as opposed to a collective team,” he explained, having personally gone on a practice hike in France with five other colleagues.

He added, “The challenge itself was surprisingly difficult. Initially when we were looking for this year’s challenge, we wanted something just slightly tougher than last year’s so that people of all experience levels could still participate. However, what made this hike particularly difficult was the weather. When we arrived in Wales, we were told that they would have the worst weather conditions they’ve had all year! We were hiking in torrential rains and strong sideways winds for 12 hours on Saturday and nine hours on Sunday. At times it felt like we were swimming in our own clothes.”

Summarising the event, he commented, “I’m so proud of the whole team for giving it their best and of Archit Batra, George Riley, and Amy Reynolds, my fellow organisers who helped make this initiative a success. I’m especially proud of the money we raised more than our goal of £20,000 for IntoUniversity. This was the perfect example of making an impact.”

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