Capgemini Consulting: Gaming in transformation trend

02 May 2013

Two-thirds of digital transformation projects fail mainly due to workforce behavioral issues. Research from Capgemini Consulting and MIT Center for Digital Business indicates that skills-gaps and ‘soft’ factors are far more important that ‘hard’ factors as for instance ineffective IT systems. Combined with the demonstrated effectiveness of gamification, the consulting firm is convinced: the application of games for realizing change objectives will develop into a megatrend.

Major barriers

77% of companies cite a skills gap to be the major hurdle to digital transformation. 55% of companies surveyed cite company culture, particularly employee resistance to job changes, to be a major barrier.

Capgemini Consulting - Digital Transformation Challenges

Gamification growing exponentially

Previous research from Capgemini Consulting demonstrated the effectiveness and voordelen van gamification in supporting change. “When designed and implemented effectively, the application of game design techniques to a business setting can accelerate change doelstellingen, by improving employee engagement, fulfilling learnings needs and supporting change management” stats the consulting firm.

The increasing effectiveness of games has over the past years also has come under the attention of business leaders and analists. Capgemini Consulting predicts that by 2015, more than 40% of global 2000 organizations use gamification as the “primary supporting mechanism to transform business operations”. In particular in areas of high change – such as strategic turnovers, innovation or target operating model redesign – growth will be exponential. “For innovation processes, more than 50% of organizations will use gamification to support transformational goals”.

Critical success factors

Yet despite the megatrend, companies should be very careful on how they utilize games. Analist firm Gartner estimates that by 2014, 80% of current gamified projects will fail due to poor design. In the report Capgemini Consulting acknowledges the fact that designing effective games and implementing them with success is a challenge. Based on over 400 gamification projects it has completed, the consulting firm has identified six critical success factors for using games. 

Capgemini Consulting - Gamification CSF

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