Towers: Talent management issue for Indonesian firms
Indonesian organisations struggle to attract and retain top talent, two recent released surveys by Towers Watson reveal. According to the firm this is mainly caused by the lack of understanding by the organisations’ management of their employees’ needs.
Towers Watson recently used its ‘2014 Global Workforce Study’* and its ‘2014 Talent Management and Rewards Study’** to highlight the talent management situation in Indonesia. According to the consulting firm, Indonesian firms struggle to attract and retain key talent. Currently, as much as 66% of Indonesian employees expect to leave their organisation in the next two years, compared to the global average of 54%.
The main reason for the struggle to retain top talent, as the research indicates, is the difficulty that Indonesian firms face in understanding and effectively addressing the issues that are important to their staff. The survey shows that Indonesian employees place much importance on learning and development opportunities as well as on the need to understand their organisation’s values. In addition, certain drivers of attraction that are important issues for Indonesians, such as healthcare and wellness benefits, retirement benefits, as well as the organisation’s mission, vision and values, are not that pressing for the rest of the world.
The survey also reveals that Indonesian employees see their immediate supervisors as top drivers of sustainable engagement, as opposed the leadership of the organisation, and only half of them feel that their managers adequately discuss their career development needs and actively help them with their career planning. As such, effective communication between employees and supervisors on matters that affect employees are important, as well as assigning tasks that suit individual skills.
Awaldi, Director of Talent & Rewards, Towers Watson Indonesia, adds: “The findings from both of these major surveys show that organisations in Indonesia need to improve their employee engagement through their managers and supervisors in order to positively influence business results. Organisations need to improve the managerial and communication skills of their key management team.”
* The Global Workforce Study is a survey of 32,000 employees that captured the views of employees and offers companies and their leadership team important insights into employees’ behaviour, engagement and performances.
** Towers Watson 2014 Talent Management and Rewards Study is a survey of 1637 companies that revealed that over 70% of companies surveyed are struggling to attract and retain ‘critically skilled’ employees.